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2013 DBU Doctoral Scholarships for International Students in Germany

German Federal Foundation for the Environment offers?Doctoral?Scholarships in the field of Environmental Protection for International Students at German Universities 2013? Study Subject(s):?The scholarship is provided for research projects in the field of environmental protection. Course Level:?This scholarship is for pursuing doctoral level. Scholarship Provider:?German Federal Foundation for the Environment Scholarship can be taken at:?Students will get their studies in Germany. Eligibility: -Applicant eligible to apply are graduates of higher education institutions with above average examination results who are no older than 28. -Academics qualified for doctoral studies and with an above-average degree. Scholarship Open for International Students:?The international students can apply. Scholarship Description:?The DBU awards scholarships to support young scientists. Entitled to apply are highly qualified young scientists who work on research subjects with a clear relation to current environmental issues and who contribute to solving these issues through their work. Number of awards offered:?60 Scholarships are offered. Tenure of award:?It is applicable for 3 years. Value:?The scholarship amounts to 940.00 EUR per month, and is paid for a maximum of 3 years. In addition to the grant, a monthly standard allowance of 210.00 EUR is available for material and travel expenses. Other Benefits:The child allowance amounts to 200.00 EUR for the first child and another 150.00 EUR for the second and every further child. Instead of the child allowance, scholarship holders with children can opt to have their scholarship extended by a max. of 6 months. In special cases (e.g. birth and the period after birth, child sickness), scholarship holders with a child to look after can apply for family leave, during which the DBU scholarship is suspended. This family leave is limited to a max. of 12 months per child. Selection Criteria:?Not known Notification:?Not known How to Apply:?The mode of applying is?online. Scholarship Application Deadline:?Do submit your applications till 15.01. and 15.06. Further Scholarship Information and Application http://www.daad.de/deutschland/stipendium/datenbank/en/12359-scholarship-database/?detailid=420&fachrichtung=12&land=7&status=2&seite=1&daad=0&whitelabel=  


