Manchester Metropolitan University แจ้งให้ทุน Al-Habeeb Scholarship สำหรับผู้สมัครเรียนปริญญาโทเต็มเวลา ในสาขา Multimedia Journalism ประจำภาคการศึกษา September 2018 โดยรับสมัครทั้ง UK, EU และนานาชาติ ทุนมีมูลค่า £5,000
The purpose of the Al-Habeeb Scholarship is to encourage student recipients to champion and promote the issues facing Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) communities in the United Kingdom through journalism and writing.
Manchester Metropolitan University is a British public university located in North West England. It was established in 1970 as Manchester Polytechnic and gained university status in 1992.
Candidates must demonstrate their interest in championing and advocating BME community issues through volunteering, employment, academic study and/or in writing.
Scholarship Description:
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: To apply for the Al-Habeeb Scholarship, you must meet the eligibility criteria above and:
  1. Apply to, and receive an offer of a place on, the full-time MA Multimedia Journalism degree programme at Manchester Metropolitan University for September 2018 entry.
  2. Download and complete the Al-Habeeb Scholarship Application Form? and read the terms and conditions (on the final page of the form).
The Al-Habeeb Scholarship Application Form asks the applicant to write a personal statement of approximately 1000 words, which should cover the following four areas:
(a) demonstrate an interest in writing and/or debating about BME issues (giving specific examples of academic/writing experience where/if possible);
(b) provide examples of how to tackle stereotypes and myths about BME communities through journalism;
(c) suggest ways to improve communications between BME communities and host communities;
(d) describe how an applicant would be an advocate and champion for BME community issues during their studies and after completing the programme.
The answers to the four sections will be allocated points and used by the Al-Habeeb Scholarship Awarding Panel to select the Scholarship recipient.
Send your application form and CV to: Email: giving-at-mmu.ac.uk
Application Form?
Scholarship Link
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