The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)ให้ทุนวิจัยหลังปริญญาเอกแก่ผู้สมัครนานาชาติที่สนใจการทำวิจัยกี่ยวกับ Global Governance and Policyโดยต้องพิจารณาที่จะไปใช้ชีวิตทำงานที่ CIGI Campus in Waterloo, Ontario, Canadaทุนนี้ช่วยในส่วนเกี่ยวกับกระบวนการทำงานวิจัยเป็นมูลค่า $10,000ต่อปี
The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) is offering post-doctoral fellowship for candidates interested in global governance and policy-relevant research. Fellows should consider the CIGI Campus in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, as a preferred location for their residency. All fellows are required to secure funding from external fellowships (for example, Canada’s Social Sciences Humanities Research Council). CIGI post-doctoral fellows are expected to participate in the CIGI community, seek opportunities to present their own research work, and disseminate their research results through a number of CIGI outlets.
Study Subject (s): CIGI’s research programs focus on four themes: global economy; global security; environment and energy; and global development — all of these viewed through the lens of international governance in Canada.
Course Level: This fellowship is for pursuing postdoctoral fellowship level at CIGI in Canada.
Scholarship Provider: The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI). All fellows are required to secure funding from external fellowships (for example, Canada’s Social Sciences Humanities Research Council).
Scholarship can be taken at: Canada
Eligibility: - Post-doctoral fellows interested in global governance and policy-relevant research
-To consider the CIGI Campus in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, as a preferred location for their residency
-CIGI post-doctoral fellows are also welcomed as visiting post-doctoral scholars with the Balsillie School of International Affairs.
Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: International Students are eligible for fellowship at CIGI.
Scholarship Description: The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) invites post-doctoral fellows interested in global governance and policy-relevant research to consider the CIGI Campus in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, as a preferred location for their residency. CIGI post-doctoral fellows are also welcomed as visiting post-doctoral scholars with the Balsillie School of International Affairs. All fellows are required to secure funding from external fellowships (for example, Canada’s Social Sciences Humanities Research Council). Successful candidates will receive supplemental research, mentoring and office support, including space and IT support, along with an envelope of research resources providing up to $10,000 annually to assist with field work, data purchases, conference presentations and related ways of enhancing the overall research experience. Conducting an active agenda of research and public affairs activities including publications, events and broadcast programs, CIGI’s interdisciplinary work includes collaboration with an intellectual community of policy makers, journalists, academics and the private sector in Canada and around the world..
Number of awards offered: Not Known
Duration of award (s): Not Known
What does it cover? Successful candidates will receive supplemental research, mentoring and office support, including space and IT support, along with an envelope of research resources providing up to $10,000 annually to assist with field work, data purchases, conference presentations and related ways of enhancing the overall research experience. CIGI is not obligated to provide any salary or remuneration to post-doctoral fellows.
How to Apply: The mode of applying is electronically. To spend your post-doctoral fellowship at CIGI, please email: POSTDOC-at-CIGIONLINE.ORG with the following:
-Up-to-date CV with current employment status.
-Citizenship and residency status (Canadian or other).
-Copy of post-doctoral project application.
-500-word Statement of Intent for post-doctoral work at CIGI Campus.
-Identify senior expert at CIGI or faculty at BSIA whom you would be interested in having a sponsor and oversee your work.
-Status of funding from external sources, including SSHRC.
Scholarship Application Deadline: Consideration of applications will occur regularly throughout the year.
Further Official Scholarship Information and Application
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