15 PhD Studentship at the International Graduate School, the University of M?nster, Germany 2012-13 [Deadline: 01.06.2012]
โรงเรียนบัณฑิตศึกษา?the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Muenster ประเทศเยอรมนี มอบทุนปริญญาเอก 15 ทุน ด้านชีววิทยาโมเลกุล ประจำปี 2012-2013 The International Graduate School, the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Muenster offers Doctoral Positions in the field of Molecular Biology of Inflammation , 2012-13 Germany Study Subject(s): Molecular Interactions of Pathogens with Biotic and Abiotic Surfaces? Course Level:PhD Scholarship Provider: International Graduate School at the Westf?lische Wilhelms-University of M?nster Scholarship can be taken at: Germany Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in the Ph.D. program of the Graduate School potential candidates must have acquired an academic degree equivalent to a German Diploma (B.Sc./Masters, Diploma). Candidates pursuing an M.D. degree should at least have passed the ?Physikum? (?Erster Abschnitt der ?rztlichen Pr?fung?) or equivalent and should have obtained some laboratory experience. Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes Scholarship Description: The Graduate School combines research interests of groups from the Departments of Medicine, Biology, and Chemistry to investigate the molecular interactions of pathogens with cellular barriers and abiotic surfaces. The three-year PhD program will provide excellent training and research opportunities in molecular and cellular biology, biochemistry, infectiology, microbiology, and molecular biomedicine accompanied by additional training offered by several soft skills programs. How to Apply: By electronically Scholarship Application Deadline: 01.06.2012 รายละเอียดทุน :?ทุนปริญญาเอก 15 ทุน ด้านชีววิทยาโมเลกุล ประจำปี 2012-2013
โดย Chanitsiree Keawood
วันที่ 2 เมษายน 2555