78 ทุนระดับประกาศนียบัตรและป.ตรีที่ออสเตรเลีย
TAFE NSW Institutes ของออสเตรเลีย เสนอให้ทุนระดับประกาศนียบัตร หรือปริญญาตรี แก่นักศึกษานานาชาติเพื่อศึกษาทางด้านเทคนิค ที่ South Wales?campus จำนวน 78 ทุน โดยเป็นทุนค่าเรียนทุนละ 2,000 เหรียญออสเตรเลีย เดทไลน์ในการสมัคร คือ 5 เม.ย.2013 สำหรับการเรียนในภาคที่ 2 TAFE NSW Institutes are offering scholarships for international students to attend the relevant Technical and Further Education (TAFE)?New South Wales?campus as a full-time student in 2013. 78 new?scholarships are offered?for pursuing diploma, advanced diploma or a bachelor degree course?level in Australia.?Each scholarship contributes $2,000 towards the tuition fees for a TAFE NSW course.?Scholarship recipients will not receive any money. The value of the scholarship will be waived on their student account during the third semester of study.?The?application deadline is?5th April 2013 for semester 2. Study Subject(s):?Scholarships are offered?for pursuing diploma or degree in the subjects?offered by the institutes. Course Level:?This scholarship is available for pursuing diploma, advanced diploma or a bachelor degree course?level. Scholarship Provider:?TAFE NSW Institutes Scholarship can be taken at:?Australia Eligibility:?To be eligible for the scholarship applicants must: -Be an international student -Have been offered a place in a TAFE NSW Diploma, Advanced Diploma or a Bachelor Degree?course with a minimum 1.5 years duration -Commence studies in TAFE NSW in 2013 -Attend the relevant TAFE NSW campus as a full-time student -Not be a family member or relative of a TAFE NSW employee or their agent -Not be in receipt of another scholarship or award. Scholarship Open for International Students:?International students?can apply for this scholarship. Scholarship Description:?TAFE NSW Institutes are offering 78 new scholarships for international students to study a Diploma,?Advanced Diploma or a Bachelor Degree course. Each scholarship contributes $2,000 towards the tuition fees for a TAFE NSW course.?Students must complete a Scholarship Application Form and attach their academic transcripts. Other documents highlighting recent achievements, contributions or qualities (e.g. awards, leadership skills, extracurricular activities) will be considered.?The decision of the Committee is final. TAFE NSW reserves the right not to award all or some of the scholarships in a given year. Scholarships are not transferable to other students/Institutes. Recipients must maintain satisfactory attendance and progress in their studies Number of award(s):?78 new?scholarships are offered. Duration of award(s):?Not Known What does it cover??Each scholarship contributes $2,000 towards the tuition fees for a TAFE NSW course. Other Benefits:?Not Known Selection criteria:?On the recommendation of a Selection Committee, scholarships are awarded each year to students who have demonstrated academic merit and other achievements. Notification:?Not Known How to Apply:?The mode of applying is by post, in person or by email. Some?steps?should be followed while applying. Scholarship Application Deadline:?The?application deadline is?5th April 2013. Further Official Scholarship Information and Application http://www.decinternational.nsw.edu.au/study/tafe/study-options/scholarships#tafe-nsw-scholarships    
โดย Chanitsiree Keawood
วันที่ 14 กุมภาพันธ์ 2556