Erasmus Mundus Masters Scholarship
Erasmus Mundus Masters Scholarship?in Complex Systems Science to study at University of Warwick in UK, Ecole Polytechnique (Paris), Chalmers University and University of Gothenburg in Sweden 2013 Study Subject(s):Complex Systems Science Course Level:Master?s Scholarship Provider: Erasmus Mundus, University of Warwick, Ecole Polytechnique (Paris), Chalmers University and University of Gothenburg Scholarship can be taken at: UK, France, Sweden Eligibility: -Applicants should be competent in mathematics and/or mathematical modelling, to the level of a mathematically based undergraduate degree (including but not restricted to sciences and engineering) -. nationality (inlcuding declaration of multiple nationalities) and recent residence history; -academic qualification details; -evidence of English language proficiency;. Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries:?EU and ?third country? (overseas) Scholarship Description: A ?complex system? comprises many interacting components leading to multiple levels of collective structure and organization. Examples include natural systems ranging from bio-molecules and living cells to human social systems and the ecosphere, as well as sophisticated artificial systems such as the Internet, power grid or any large-scale distributed software system. It is a key challenge for our society to better understand, adapt, design and control such systems. Our Masters degree teaches the tools to analyse complex systems and to understand their emergent behaviour. Students are offered a variety of research project opportunities to develop experience applying this to fresh challenges from the real world and within academic research. We offer an exceptional cross-disciplinary environment and experience, with the programme based around three leading research centres in Complex Systems, associated with the Universities of Warwick (UK), Ecole Polytechnique (de Paris, France), and Chalmers/Gothenburg (Sweden). The European Complex Systems Society is an associated partner. How to Apply: By Online Scholarship Application Deadline: 7th January 2013 Further Scholarship Information and Application  
โดย Chanitsiree Keawood
วันที่ 11 กันยายน 2555